After our experience on arrival, Thierry headed to the airport early to ensure all goes smoothly for our departure.

This after having met with the handler's main point man at the hotel the evening before our departure to review all the items and procedures for the following days departure.

Well the promises did not materialize and we were again left on the ramp wondering how the system works in India. Many people just hanging around the airport but no one actually doing anything. Finally after nearly 2 hours from our arrival at the airport, the first airplane was on the move and shortly after the others followed.

But the total lack of efficiency in their process is hard to believe.  They have a lot to learn on how to effectively get things done and airplanes moving.

Once we cleared the Indian haze that filled the air, we were up, up and away. Flying in this part of the world is always amazing and exciting. Our neighbors on our route today are Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.

 Flight routing through Pakistan while skirting Iran

Pakistan from above

Cockpit of the CJ3

Leaving the coast of Pakistan

The coast of Pakistan from 45,000 feet, not a cloud in the sky and a little tailwind - what could be better?

Iran in the distance

Starting our approach into Dubai through Oman

on approach into Dubai Al Maktoum airport

Once on the ground, ground control tells us to follow the green lights...see them? It was amazing! they led us from the runway all the way to our FBO and more easily seen in real life

 still following those green lights

We haven't even shut down the engines yet and the fuel truck is there - welcome to Dubai! We had to snap a picture

I am borrowing this one and going to India to show then the way to do handling!!!!

Ready for our transfer to the Burj al Arab

We transferred in style!


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